Saturday 17 August 2013

Manchu deserts

Chinese desert(Manchu deserts)

萨其马 Sachima: 

Sachima is a traditional Manchu desert made with flour, butter, rock sugar, and assorted nuts and dry fruit. It was traditional ceremonial oblation food for Jurchen people of northern China, later become more popular among Mainland Han people after Manchu established Qing Dynasty. 

Another one is 驴打滚, literally translate into donkey roll. 

It has nothing to do with donkey. They are small sweets made of glutinous rice with sweetened red bean stuffing in between. It's soft, sticky and sweet. One of the most famous Beijing traditional snacks. the last process of making the desert is to roll the rice cake in brownish bean flour, and the color looks like a brown little donkey rolling in dirt, hence the name: donkey roll.