Sunday 6 October 2013

Chocolate Chip Caramel Ice Cream Sundae

A few weeks ago, after an away soccer game, my daughter and her best friend, who happens to be my best friend Hyacinth’s daughter (confused yet?), launched a full-on begging fest regarding their post-soccer dinner.

“Can we go to Chili’s?” they cried.
“No,” both Hyacinth and I replied. It was getting dark, and we wanted to go home.
“Please!” they cried.
“No,” we replied.
So we went to Chili’s. As mothers, Hyacinth and I believe in sticking to our guns.
This dessert is inspired by one of the gooey, drippy desserts on their menu—a dessert we didn’t let the girls order no matter how much they begged!
We got the molten lava cake instead.
So we got the last word!

TPW_4756I whipped this up using my favorite basic chocolate chip cookie recipe. Throw some softened butter into the bowl of a mixer. (This is a little over-softened, but I’ll live with those consequences.)

TPW_4757Then add brown sugar…

TPW_4759And white sugar…

TPW_4761And blend it all together until it’s nice and combined.

TPW_4762Crack in a couple of eggs, one at a time…

TPW_4765Beating them after each addition.

TPW_4768Then add vanilla and mix it in.

TPW_4771In a separate bowl, add flour…

TPW_4772Then add in a heaping teaspoon of instant coffee granules.

TPW_4775You just have to trust me on this.

TPW_4777Then add some baking soda…

TPW_4779A leetle salt…

TPW_4780And mix it all together.

TPW_4782Gradually add the flour mixture until it’s all combined…

TPW_4784Then stick your finger in the bowl, retrieve a nice amount of dough, and place your finger in your mouth.
Important: Please turn off the mixer before you do this.

TPW_4787Next, add in chocolate chips or (in my case) chocolate chunks…

TPW_4788And mix them in until they’re all combined.
Repeat the stick-your-finger-in-the-bowl trick.
But repeat the turn-the-mixer-off trick first.
Thank you for your cooperation.

TPW_4794Next, thoroughly grease and flour (or spray with baking spray if you’re lazy like me) a quarter-sheet pan like this one…or just a regular 9 x 13-inch baking pan.

TPW_4795Throw in the dough…

TPW_4797Spread it out to flatten the surface…

TPW_4805And stick it in the oven.

TPW_4810Bake it until it’s nice and golden and perfect.
Then grab a fork and dig in!
Just kidding. But you’ll definitely want to.
Just let ‘em cool for a bit in the pan.

TPW_4859To serve up the masterpieces, cut square pieces.

TPW_4863And grab your very, very favorite flavor of ice cream. This is caramel macchiato flavor, which is ridiculous and ridonkulous and rickonkulous. But you can use anything! Vanilla, chocolate, coffee, strawberry, rocky road…or match the cookie itself and throw on a scoop of regular chocolate chip.

TPW_4864Pile on the ice cream….

TPW_4867But wait. There’s more.

TPW_4868Drizzle zig-zags of hot fudge…

TPW_4871And caramel sauce in the opposite direction.

TPW_4877Then comes whipped cream.
Mine came from a can.
Try not to be jealous.

TPW_4878Then…blip! A bright red cherry.

TPW_4881You can’t know the fun. You can’t know the deliciousness.
Make it for birthdays, slumber parties…or Monday night to reward yourself.
Here’s the handy dandy printable!

Chocolate Chip Caramel Ice Cream Sundae

Prep Time:
Cook Time:


  • 2 sticks Butter, Softened
  • 1 cup Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 cup Sugar
  • 2 whole Eggs
  • 2 teaspoons Vanilla
  • 2-1/4 cups Flour
  • 1 teaspoon (heaping) Instant Coffee Granules
  • 1 teaspoon Baking Soda
  • 1-1/2 teaspoon Salt
  • 8 ounces, weight Chocolate Chips Or Chocolate Chunks (more To Taste!)
  •  Ice Cream, Flavor Of Your Choice
  •  Hot Fudge, For Drizzling
  •  Caramel Sauce, For Drizzling
  •  Whipped Cream
  •  Maraschino Cherries

Preparation Instructions

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Mix butter, brown sugar, and white sugar until combined. Add eggs and vanilla and mix together.
In a separate bowl, stir together flour, instant coffee, baking soda, and salt. Add to wet ingredients in batches, mixing gently after each addition. Gently mix in chocolate chips or chunks.
Thoroughly grease and flour a quarter sheet pan or a 9 x 13-inch baking pan. Spread cookie dough into the pan, spreading out the surface.
Bake for 15-18 minutes until done (longer if needed to make sure it's set.) Allow to cool slightly in the pan.
To serve, warm the hot fudge and caramel sauces. Place a square of cookie on a plate. Top with a scoop of ice cream, followed by drizzles of both hot fudge and caramel sauces. Finish with whipped cream and a cherry.