Monday 7 October 2013

Gluten free Microwave Chocolate Cake

The Finished Festive Cake
The Finished Festive Cake
Source: BSB

Festive Chocolate Cake

A festive chocolate cake that is gluten free can be a very welcome addition to a special occasion, especially where something is needed in a hurry for a celebration that crops up unexpectedly.
This festive chocolate cake can be made in a comparatively short time as it can be prepared quite quickly and then cooked in only about three minutes in a microwave oven. It is easy and fun to make and the ingredients are readily available in most larders, apart from the rice flour, although if there are people in the house who need gluten free food you will most likely have that, too.
  • This recipe is an adaptation of my Giant Cupcake, which can also be found on HubPages. The quantities here are larger and rice flour, cornflour and baking powder are substituted for the self-raising flour in that recipe.
  • Although this festive chocolate cake is gluten free it is delicious and can be enjoyed by all the family, whether or not they need gluten free food.
  • This cake is moist and will keep for a day or two - if it is not eaten immediately!
Some words of warning:
  • I have researched, but am still not sure if nonpareils are gluten free. They are composed of sugar, starch and food colouring. I suspect that the starch may contain gluten; it would not be much as the main ingredient is sugar, but a different decoration may be a better choice.
  • Once the dry ingredients and the liquids are being mixed together, it is best to work as quickly as possible so that the Baking Powder does not begin to rise before the mixture is placed in the oven, otherwise the cake may not rise as well as expected.
Mix the Ingredients Quickly and Thoroughly
Mix the Ingredients Quickly and Thoroughly
Source: BSB

Ingredients Needed for the Cake
Prep time: 

Cook time: 

Ready in: 
Yields: Serves eight people a good-sized slice each.
Place Mixture into Plastic Cake-pan
Place Mixture into Plastic Cake-pan
Source: BSB
  • ¾ cup Rice Flour
  • ½ cup Cornflour, Corn, not wheaten
  • ½ cup Cocoa
  • 6 teaspoons Baking Powder
  • 1½ teaspoons Cinnamon Powder
  • ½ cup Oil, Virgin Olive Oil is good
  • 2 eggs, Slightly beaten
  • ¾ cup milk, I use skim
  • ½ cup chocolate chips, Optional

    Instructions for Making the Cake

    1. Oil the inside of a plastic cake pan. Sift together dry ingredients.
    2. Add liquids to dry ingredients and mix together quickly, adding more milk if necessary, but do not make the mixture too moist.
    3. Quickly stir in the chocolate chips and pour mixture into pan. Spread out with a spoon so it is level.
    4. Place in microwave oven and cook on high for three minutes. After about two and a half minutes you can stop the oven and test the cake. Do not cook the cake for too long or it will become dry.
    While Cake Cools, Prepare the Icing
    While Cake Cools, Prepare the Icing
    Source: BSB

    The Icing

    While the cake cools on a wire stand, prepare the icing.
    • Place a knob of butter and two tablespoons milk in basin and heat in microwave until butter is melted.
    • Sift together 1 cup of icing sugar, ¼ cup cocoa and 1 teaspoon cinnamon.
    • Add the dry ingredients to the liquids and stir until smooth.
    • Place cake on plate and pour icing our over cake.

    Ice the Cake and Add Decorations
    Ice the Cake and Add Decorations
    Source: BSB

    The Decoration

    While the icing is still warm, simple decorations may be added. There are many creative ideas that could be used, but I did the following:
    • I sprinkled the top with nonpareils (hundred and thousands)
    • Placed chocolate-coated nuts in the centre
    • Made twice the quantity of icing, stirred in desiccated coconut, shaped spoonfuls into balls, making them into chocolate roughs. I placed the roughs on a tray to cool, and then arranged a dozen of them around the edge of the plate (see the photo of the finished cake at the top).
    • Guess what happened to the rest of the chocolate roughs?!
    I'm sure you will have your own ideas of quick and easy decorations to add.
    For a Final Festive Finish, Make Chocolate Roughs
    For a Final Festive Finish, Make Chocolate Roughs
    Source: BSB