Wednesday 9 October 2013

Carb Buster Breakfast

When I was in New York City last weekend, I stayed in this hotel and ordered room service for breakfast from Fireside, the hotel’s restaurant, Saturday morning. I wanted to get something that would keep me going for a good part of the day, as I knew I wouldn’t have time to have lunch, and while my ever-demanding id was begging me to order pancakes or French toast or one of those other naughtily delicious things on room service menus, my eyes instead went to something called a “Carb Buster.” And since Jillian Michaels and I are still in the middle of our fling, I knew she’d love me even more for making such a choice.
It turned out to be just the ticket! A couple of poached eggs on a bed of delicious veggies, a couple of links of chicken sausage, and a single wedge of cheese, which had softened from sitting on the very warm plate and was perfectly soft and mushy. I wouldn’t exactly call it low-calorie, but it was absolutely scrumptious and definitely gave me what I needed to get on with my day.
Yesterday, I recreated it at home since I hadn’t been able to get it out of my mind since Saturday. I left out the sausage component, as it’s really the poached eggs that are the stars of the show, and of course you can substitute any veggies you happen to have in your fridge: mushroom, bell peppers, etc.
(Oh, and a slice of avocado wouldn’t be shabby at all.)
Here’s how to make it!

Slice off the tops of a zucchini and a yellow squash.

Then quarter them lengthwise…

And cut them into pieces. You need about a cup of each.

Do the same to half an onion: Chop it into large chunks.

Then grab a tomato or two (depending on the size) and cut a couple of really thick slices.

Now, in a skillet, melt a tablespoon of butter or a little olive oil over high heat. Your choice!

Throw in the onion…

And stir it around, cooking it for 2 or 3 minutes.

Throw in the zucchini and squash…

Sprinkle them with salt and pepper…

And cook them for about 3 to 4 minutes until they’re golden brown and getting softer. Then just turn off the heat and set the skillet aside.

If you have a grill pan, place the tomato slices over medium-high heat…

Until they have nice little grill marks. Then just remove them to a plate and set ‘em aside, too. If you don’t have a grill pan, just throw them into a hot skillet to try to get a little color on them.

Now it’s time to poach the eggs! Bring a saucepan of water to a very gentle boil, then add a teaspoon of vinegar to the water. After that, use a wooden spoon to stir a whirlpool in the water…

Then crack an egg…

And drop it right in the middle of the whirlpool. It’ll slowly spin around in a circle and the whites will eventually fold in on themselves and come together.

Let the egg cook for about a minute—just long enough to set—then remove it with a slotted spoon and repeat with the other egg. Check the doneness of both yolks; if they seem too soft, just drop them back into the water for another 30-45 seconds until it seems right.
I don’t mind these stringy whites, but you can always pull them off if you want a nice, perfect poached egg.

To serve it all up, pour the veggies into a bowl or on a plate and place the tomato slices over to the side.

Then one by one, lay the poached eggs…

Right on top.

Slice a wedge of cheese. This is Monterey Jack, but any ol’ cheese will do!

Place the cheese over on the side, but make sure it’s touching the veggies so it’ll get soft and miraculous.

So far so good!

But it needs a little S & P, baby.
This is looking…perfect.

Time to dig in!

Oh my lands. Look at that.
Soft egg yolks are my love language.

I feel like I’m looking into the egg’s soul!
Enjoy this, guys. Truth be told, this bowl is enough for two people…
Unless you’re me. In which case, grab a fork and dive in! I will say that I missed having some kind of sausage on the side, so if you’re so inclined, add a link or two!
Here’s the handy printable.

Carb Buster Breakfast

Prep Time:
Cook Time:


  • 1 Tablespoon Butter Or Olive Oil
  • 1/2 cup Diced Zucchini
  • 1/2 cup Diced Yellow Squash
  • 1/2 whole Medium Onion, Cut Into Chunks
  •  Salt And Pepper
  • 1 whole Tomato, Sliced Thick
  • 2 whole Eggs
  • 1 teaspoon Vinegar
  • 1 slice Cheese (Monterey Jack, Cheddar, Swiss, Etc)

Preparation Instructions

Melt the butter in a medium skillet over medium high heat. Add the onions and cook until 2 to 3 minutes, or until starting to soften. Add the zucchini and squash, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and stir to cook for 3 to 4 minute. Remove from the heat and set aside.
Grill the tomato slices on a grill pan or simply sear them in a hot skillet. Remove and set aside.
Bring a medium saucepan of water to a gentle boil. Add the vinegar. Use a wooden spoon to carefully stir the water into a circular "whirlpool." Crack one egg into the water and allow it to swirl around in the water until the egg begins to set. Let it stay in the water for 1 minute, then remove it with a slotted spoon and set it on a plate. Repeat with the other egg. If eggs need to be cooked longer, just add them back to the water for 30 seconds at a time.
Spoon the vegetables on a plate or in a bowl and set the eggs on top. Lay the tomato slices on the side. Place the cheese slice on the side so that it starts to soften from the heat.
Sprinkle eggs with salt and pepper and serve!
Note: Add a link or two of chicken or pork sausage if desired.